The title pretty much says it all, but I’m looking for new videos about car audio!
Who do you like?
Who don’t you like, and why?
Let’s hear it!
Watching right now:
DIY Audio Guy, 5 Star Car Stereo, Parker The Basshead, Steve Meade, Williston Audio Labs, and EXOcontralto are some of the people who make great headphones.
Thanks for your thoughts, guys.
Williston Audio Labs. He makes amplifier dyno movies that are sometimes a little silly but really helpful.
Many of the songs he plays (bass CDs, DJ Magic Mike) are ones I grew up listening to and have always loved more than anything else. It used to drive my dad crazy, but he always wanted me to work on getting stereos better. I miss you, dad
I’ve been looking at raw-cat a lot. There are times when I don’t agree with his method 100%, but it works and has taught me new ways to look at testing tools.
That was a really cool show that Soundman Car Audio did in 2011 about running a sound shop in California. It was really cool, and the quality was pretty good for the time. They taught a few things about what they did and had a lot of unique stuff.
His new movies are longer and more interesting than his old ones. He built a great F-150.
You may not agree with me, but I think Soundman was great at first.
I think his fame changed him, and his work is very different from how it was when he first started.
I stopped a long time ago.
Car audio wise, I only watch 5 Star Car Stereo and PSSound.
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100%. After watching 5 star, the standard of my own installs went through the roof. Dean’s wire work is really cool. Peter at PSSOUND is really great. His work on installations is top-notch. I also think it’s unmatched in dsp tuning.
Why hasn’t anyone talked about EXO? It looks like his channel name is EXOcontralto.
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I like him but he is definitely limited.