Need Help... Early 2000s Basshead Trying to Get Back in the Game

I just want to get serious and buy a DC lvl 3 or Sundown SA-15

Back in the early 2000s, everyone was using similar gear. We were teenagers on a budget while the older guys had Solo Xs, and only a few had SA, DD, or RE xxx’s. After my first setup, I had an old Soundstream SPL that blew my box apart.
Then I got a 12-inch Memphis Mojo that shook my whole car, followed by a cheap 15.
The options have changed a lot since then, so I wonder if these budget subs are really that bad?
I drive a 2011 Tahoe with Bose, so space and setup aren’t a problem. I’m pulling source from the amp, so you know how it goes.

I’m curious about these options:

I never owned Kicker L7s, but a friend had Solo Baric 15s back then. I know the new Kickers aren’t as good, but this setup looks interesting: Take a look here

Skar isn’t the same as SA. It’s a cheap option made overseas and not the best quality. NVX is a solid choice for budget builds. They outperform expectations since they’re not as popular. American Bass is better known but a bit pricier.

I always thought the square subs were just a gimmick. They offer slightly more cone area, but their Xmax is limited due to corners. It’s pretty much equal. Kicker makes solid gear, so you can’t go wrong with them.

I was in the same situation as you when choosing subs. It was between NVX, Skar, and American Bass. I ended up with two NVX VCW Dual 4-ohm 15s. I still need to build a box for them. I have the plans; I just need to get the wood. They will be powered by a 3k amp. I chose NVX because the price was right, the RMS rating fit my amp, and I love the carbon fiber look. Right now, I’m using two Memphis M5 15s that are over a decade old. They’re still bumping, but they are aging.

With most of these, you’re getting a good sub for the price. The NVX offers value that feels like it’s worth more than what you pay.

Bass, not base. Come on.

Peyton said:
Bass, not base. Come on.

All your base… belong to us… all your base, your base.

Cody said:

Peyton said:
Bass, not base. Come on.

All your base… belong to us… all your base, your base.

You set us up the bomb!

Don’t let the haters get to you. I have a VXF 15, and I think it competes really well for around $300. I’ve had mine for a year, and it sounds great.