I’m looking to upgrade my 2014 F150 with an Android screen. I want to go with a reliable brand, not some cheap Chinese version. I’ve noticed Sony, Pinewood, etc. don’t offer stock Android. Does anyone have any recommendations?
Maybe you can reach out to him to make you an Android dash.
Reputable brands don’t use Android because they stick to the rules: they lock out video in motion to keep lawyers happy, get certified for Android Auto and Apple CarPlay. No way is Apple going to approve a unit running CarPlay on top of Android. Plus, they have to pay license fees for HDMI and get the necessary FCC or regulatory approvals. And they aren’t in the business of helping grandma play Candy Crush on her stereo.
No. Linkswell is probably one of the higher-end options, but I’ve had issues with those too.
I’m not sure what you mean by ‘stock Android,’ but if you’re referring to a stereo that runs Android OS by default, only the cheap Chinese stereos do that, and many of those aren’t legal in most states because they lack the necessary safety features. If you want a stereo that can run Android apps or sync with an Android phone, just get one with Android Auto.